Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tapioca Fisted Reponse From UN on N Korea Missle Launch

Rasmussen is reporting that 57% of American voters want a military response to the North Korea missile launch while the Obama administration want the UN to give N Korea a firm talking to. (OK I made that last bit up) Meanwhile the VOA is reporting that the UN Security Council is in fine form:

The U.N. Security Council met in emergency session on Sunday afternoon to discuss concerns over North Korea's launch of a long-range rocket. But the closed-door consultations did not produce a clear and unified response.
Diplomats say the council was unified in its deep concern over the launch, but that it could not immediately agree what form its response should take. (more)
Frankly, I find it a bit surprising that so many want a military response and so few (15%) oppose military action considering how the missile basically failed. Perhaps the headlines had something to do with it.

China and Russia can pretty much put the brakes on any U.N. Security Council action anyway which is pretty much what happened. Good thing too, as we know what sharp teeth those UN resolutions have...

1 comment:

Euripides said...

Today the UN vigorously shook their finger at N. Korea with a published statement: "You bad, bad boys! Don't ever let us catch you doing that again!"