Thursday, November 27, 2008

Defending blacks from homosexuals

Really good stuff from WND:

...Columnist Anna Quindlen posits a scurrilous argument when she compares the rejection of same-sex marriage to anti-interracial marriage laws of the past. Her argument is without merit because she conveniently omits the most important point. Anti-interracial marriage laws, while appallingly egregious, were laws forbidding marriage between a man and a woman, color notwithstanding. Anti same-sex marriage bans are in opposition to man-man, woman-woman marriages – which no society in the history of mankind can point to as a successful component in the sustentation of that society. Same-sex marriage is in no way comparable to persons of different skin color entering into a heterosexual union.
Homosexual activist Wayne Besen goes so far as to vent his frustration and anger out on blacks who oppose same-sex marriage, saying their actions were "particularly galling and repugnant" because blacks themselves had suffered discrimination.
As I have written before:
Civil rights and homosexual rights are not synonymous. Civil rights focus on the right to vote, the guaranteed access to public accommodations, and the desegregation of public facilities and schools. They have never been, nor should they ever be, about attempting to have the federal government mandate acceptance of a [chosen] lifestyle.
Homosexuals and cross-dressers may in fact be a lot of things, but an oppressed minority they are not. And I, for one, resent their temerity in suggesting that a rejection of their chosen lifestyle is in any way equivalent to what truly oppressed peoples in this country went through for the right to vote, sit at a lunch counter and/or stay in the hotel of their choice.
Homosexuals are not immutable – there is a difference between refusing to change one's behavior and being unable to change the color of one's skin. They are no more economically deprived than others, and they certainly do not have a history of political and historical powerlessness. Ergo, sexual orientation is not a civil right. Homosexual activists represent one of the most powerful lobbies per capita in the country. ("Homosexuality is not a civil right"; Sept. 25, 2007)
There were homosexuals and Klansmen chairing committees in Congress long before there was a black president. They latch onto the civil rights movement because their movement cannot stand on its own. They are only interested in using said movement to further their own condemnable agenda. ...(more)

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