Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to Steal Ohio

Frightening things are happening and without the press, since it has become lapdog instead of our watchdog. Dark days are ahead I fear.
American Thinker:
...Meet Jennifer Brunner, Ohio's real life Secretary of State, whose actions in the lead up to this election have been so shamefully partisan -- violating both federal and state law in the process -- that it is doubtful any result on Election Day from Ohio is going to be accepted as credible....

...The second thing she did was to issue an advisory opinion advising county election officials that Ohio law does not require that partisan election observers be allowed to observe registration and voting. This is contrary to the practice on election day and a reversal of the 2006 precedent. Two of the largest counties, Montgomery (containing Dayton) and Franklin (containing Columbus), did not allow Republican election observers to enter the polling place. Media, however, were allowed.
Liberals especially cheered this ruling, believing that GOP election monitors "intimidate" minorities and young people in order to keep them from voting. Given the problems with out of state voters and other irregularities that occurred during this 6 day "Golden" period where people can register and vote on the same day, anyone halfway concerned with free and fair elections just might have welcomed election monitors in order to prevent obvious fraud. But Democrats do not appear to care very much about the "fair" part in elections and instead wish to be "free" to violate the law with impunity.
Another insult to the integrity of our election system was Brunner's attempt to prevent thousands of McCain absentee ballots from being counted.
Dayton again:
Brunner also tried to throw out absentee ballot applications sent out by the McCain campaign because the campaign added an extra check-box to the application. This time, the GOP won in court. Clearly Brunner was not protecting everyone's right to vote. If that was her interest, she would have applied the same lax standards to the McCain campaign's applications that she applies to absentee voting.
The Republicans took that one to court and prevailed. Thank the Lord for small favors. And it appeared very briefly that Republicans had won a stunning court victory on Thursday when a US District Judge ruled that Brunner must verify the registrations by checking them against the motor vehicle and social security databases. She was also ordered to share the information on how to verify registrations with Ohio's 88 county registrars.
But a federal appeals court struck down the
district judge's ruling:
Brunner argued that it would take two to three days to create the necessary computer programs, and that nothing in the Help America Vote Act required her to do what the district court ordered. The appeals court agreed in a split decision. "With less than a month until the election, and less than two weeks until the beginning of counting absentee ballots, the secretary cannot be required to undertake the extensive reprogramming and other changes to the election mechanics without complete disruption of the electoral process in Ohio," the majority said in its opinion. "The irreparable harm to the voting public caused by the district court's order is equally clear."
No word on the "irreparable harm" done to the integrity of the election process by Brunner, Obama, and the rest of the Democrats in Ohio.
Then, of course, there are the vastly more entertaining antics of ACORN in Ohio. One must give credit where credit is due. ACORN should win some kind of award for its spectacular creativity in finding new ways to game the system and flood it with false, forged, and illegal voter registration applications.
First, it is important to recall that the Obama campaign funneled more than $800,000 to ACORN and then tried to hide it by designating it as payment to "Citizens Services, Inc." for work such as $310,000 for "Stage, Sound, and Lighting."
Michelle Malkin looked deeper into this fraud and found some startling facts: (more)

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