Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Re-Education of the Speaker

This headline over at LifeSite: "Catholic" Speaker Pelosi Denies that Catholicism Condemns Abortion followed by the story- In an appearance on the NBC program Meet the Press on Sunday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a self-professed Catholic, denied that the Catholic Church condemns abortion. and further as reported at Salon: "doctors of the church" have not been able to define when life begins and that "over the history of the church, this is an issue of controversy." Thankfully the Church has chosen not to remain silent in the face of these lies. You can go here and read the rest.
For the record, The Didache (c.150) an early Christian document provides additional evidence that among all Christian communities at all times, abortion is forbidden. Specifically, it says this:
"Do not murder; do not commit adultery; do not practice pederasty; do not fornicate; do not steal; do not deal in magic; do not practice sorcery; do not kill a fetus by abortion, or commit infanticide."
Hippocrates, in the Hippocratic Oath says..." I will not give fatal draught to anyone if I am asked, nor will I suggest any such thing. Neither will I give a woman means to procure an abortion.
I will be chaste and religious in my life and in my practice."
Both reminders can be found in my current favorite book, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization," by Professor Anthony Esolen. An excellent gift for your children before or during their college careers.

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