Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FactCheck: The fuller story in Denver

From Salon:
Aug 27th, 2008 DENVER -- Sen. Barack Obama's formal nomination Wednesday as the Democratic candidate for president brought with it a barrage of renewed attacks on his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain. Some were on point, but others missed the mark.
One example:
—SEN. JAY ROCKEFELLER of WEST VIRGINIA: "John McCain has served his country with honor. But his refusal to change course even in the face of the failed policies of Bush-Cheney is reckless and will not keep us safe."
THE FACTS: After the U.S. led the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, McCain initially said he had no doubt U.S. forces would be "welcomed as liberators" in Baghdad; Vice President Dick Cheney made the same prediction.
But McCain changed his mind after making his first visit to the Iraqi capital later that year

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