Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Unreal: CNN reporter openly contemptuous of tea parties

Wow...I am speechless. Where does she think she is, MSNBC?

A tour de force of bias via TV Newser, from her sarcasm to her Fox-bashing to her badgering a guy who’ll be paying off Obama’s monstrous deficits for decades about why he isn’t satisfied with a $400 tax break this year. The title of the clip is “CNN Reporter Roughed Up at Chicago Tea-Party,” which, as you’ll see, is a transparent lie...

From HotAir


kkollwitz said...

Please oh please let CNN keep digging its own grave in front of the whole world.

eutychus said...

lol- Well said.

Euripides said...

CNN? Is that like a news source or something? I think I remember watching them once about 10 years ago.