Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ex-Gays Afraid to Come Out for Fear of Persecution: ABC News Report

If it were genetic of course one couldn't change, but of course there isn't a study out there that says it is genetic.
ARLINGTON, VA, May 7, 2008 ( - Individuals who once considered themselves homosexuals but who have since left the lifestyle, often remain silent about their past life due to persecution from homosexual activists, an ABC News video revealed on Monday.
"A person may not be happy being gay, has anyone ever thought of that?" asked "David," an anonymous man who has overcome his homosexual inclinations, on ABC News.
"I've found feelings could change," David added.
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) observed that "David's" desire for anonymity reflects the wide-scale persecution individuals like him face from those supportive of homosexuality.
"Many ex-gays are afraid to come out of the closet because of the harassment they will receive - their names, phone numbers and personal information posted on gay websites, attacked at ex-gay exhibit booths, press releases issued against them, etc," stated PFOX
. (more)

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