Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the “deepest kind of corruption

Over at Judicial Watch:

In what a veteran national security official calls the “deepest kind of corruption,” a Republican administration covered up a Democrat lawmaker’s crimes in exchange for her support of a controversial secret wiretapping program.
The Bush Administration dropped an investigation into a California congresswoman’s collaboration with foreign spies so that she would publicly defend its warrantless domestic surveillance operation as it was about to be exposed in a national newspaper. The scathing details of this
bipartisan corruption scandal were revealed this week by a news publication that covers Congress. (more)

In something of an ironic twist Rep Harman is now "outraged" over the wiretapping, calling it "an abuse of power."

and in related news the WaPo is reporting: Prosecutors Considering Dropping Espionage Charges Against Former AIPAC Lobbyists

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