Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Advent Study #7

We continue with our study of Matthew's geneaology of Jesus
here is Study #6-.
here is #5.
Notes on #5 are here.
Study #4 is here
#3 can be found here
#2 is here
#1 is here here..notes and thoughts on #1 are here.The intro to the study is here .

Our focus questions:
who are they?
where are they from?
what place do they have-
-in the Biblical text
- in the story of salvation
-and in relation to Jesus specifically.

Are there other thoughts and questions as we read these lists?
Anyone else notive that there seems to be a recurring theme of idolatry in the shortcoming of these.

Asa (from christiananswers)

Meaning: physician
Asa was a son of Abijah and grandson of Rehoboam, was the third king of Judah. He was zealous in maintaining the true worship of God, and in rooting all idolatry, with its accompanying immoralities, out of the land (1 Kings 15:8-14). The Lord gave him and his land rest and prosperity. It is recorded of him, however, that in his old age, when afflicted, he "sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians" (compare Jer. 17:5). He died in the forty-first year of his reign, greatly honored by his people (2 Chr. 16:1-13), and was succeeded by his son Jehoshaphat.Author: Matthew G. Easton, with minor editing by Paul S. Taylor. -->

Josaphattt (from Catholic encyclopedia)

(Hebrew for "Yahweh hath judged"; Septuagint 'Iosaphát).
Fourth King of Juda after the schism of the Ten Tribes. He was the son and successor of Asa, whose virtuous reign had established good traditions to which the new king endeavoured to remain faithful. He ascended the throne at the age of thirty-five and reigned twenty-three years (914-889 B.C.; 877-53 according to the Assyrian chronology). His zeal in suppressing the idolatrous worship of the "high places" is comm
ended (2 Chronicles 17:6), but it was only partially successful (1 Kings 22:44). In the third year of his reign he sent throughout the country a missionary expedition to instruct the people in the Law and exhort them to its faithful observance. He is reproached with contracting an alliance with Achab, King of Israel, the results of which were disastrous for the Kingdom of Juda. In the eighteenth year of his reign Josaphat visited Achab in Samaria, and nearly lost his life accompanying his treacherous ally to the siege of Ramoth Galaad (1 Kings 22). He subsequently continued his policy of reform, exercised a personal supervision over its execution, and established for the same purpose in the royal city a tribunal of priests, levites, and elders (2 Chronicles 19:4-11). About the twentieth year of his reign he repulsed more by prayers than by force of arms a formidablearmy of the Moabites, Maonites, and the Children of Ammon (2 Chronicles 20:1-30). Ochozias having succeeded Achab in the Northern Kingdom, Josaphat joined him in a mercantile enterprise having for object the construction of a fleet at Asiongaber, but the project was displeasing to the Lord and proved a failure (2 Chronicles 20:35-37).

Joram (Jeho'ram) (christiananswers)

Jehoram, the son and successor of Jehoshaphat on the throne of Judah (2 Kings 8:24).

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