Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Teen Sex? Please Do!

From Townhall:
...To that end, Planned Parenthood has created a new promotional Web site that targets youth. It’s called “Take Care Down There” (www.takecaredownthere.org). It features short, near pornographic “public service” video vignettes which, among other things, promote casual sex, immodesty, homosexuality and even group sex.
For example, in perfect keeping with its demonstrably racist, loosey-goosey sexual tradition,
one of the Planned Parenthood videos depicts what appears to be a teenage African-American male relegated to performing oral sex – in public – on a white teenage male. Another white male (a creepy adult authority figure who seems just a little too interested) walks up and begins giving instructions. The white teenager then says, “I didn’t even spew.”
In another vignette, a teenage girl appears to drop her pants – again in public – exposing her privates in front of two other girls and the same African-American male. She then asks them, “Do you see anything down there?” referencing potential evidence of sexually transmitted disease. Of course, based on her cavalier sexual attitude and tart immodesty (or is that immodest tart?) the odds strongly favor the likelihood that she does, in fact, have something “down there.”
And we're paying for it... (more here)

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